The main classification of the ecological and morpho-ecological types stoneflies larvae have been analyzed. The papers that be the basis for creation the unified ecomorphilogical classification of Plecoptera are analyzed. Morphogical method is suggested as the main for selecting the categories of stoneflies larvae ecomorphs. It is suggested to take into account ecological (spatial niche), ethological (the type of movement, behavioral characteristics) and morphological (body shape, type of mouthparts, structure of sense organs and legs) criteria. Nineteen dimensional features have been analyzed for larvae of 12 genera of stoneflies from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Seventeen indicators have been selected, which exactly characterize relation of larvae with environment.
A comprehensive analysis of autecological features, morphological and morphometric characteristics of the larvae allowed us to propose a classification of ecomorphs of Ukrainian Carpathians stoneflies. 3 types and 6 classes were identified. The division into types is based on the coverture used by stoneflies. To distinguish the classes, a distribution was proposed according to the following characteristics: the substrate, which acts as a hiding place; type of trophic strategy and mode of food capture reflected in behavior and microstationary distribution.
The type of lithophilic cryptobionts includes representatives of the following genera: Perla Geoffroy, 1762; Dinocras Klapálek, 1907; Perlodes Banks, 1903; Arcynopteryx Klapálek, 1904; Diura Billberg, 1820; Isoperla Banks, 1906; Isogenus Newman, 1833. Larvae from genera: Amphinemura Ris, 1902; Brachyptera Newport, 1851; Nemoura Latreille, 1796; Protonemura Kempny, 1898 — belong to the type of phytophilic cryptobionts. The type of cryptobiont of cracks in the Ukrainian Carpathians is represented by genera: Chloroperla Newman, 1836; Xantoperla Zwick, 1967; Siphonoperla Zwick, 1967; Leuctra Stephens, 1835; Capnia Pictet, 1841; Zwicknia Murányi, 2014.
In the future, a more detailed classification of ecomorphs will make it possible to use it for hydroindication of reservoirs of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The proposed classification will also make it easier to find out which ecomorph a particular species belongs to.
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