The species composition of fungicolous species of Coleoptera identified during 2011—2012 and 2017-2018 in the territory of beech primeval forests of the Uholsky massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve was analyzed. A total of 31793 individuals were studied. The species richness was 173 species from 22 families. These species are fungicolous. The species of fungi that beetles use as habitats or food substrate are given for each beetles species. In addition to this, the guilds of coleoptera, which form entomocomplexes within their food substrate or habitat, were analyzed.
The families of beetle, the representatives of which belong entirely to fungicolous, have been singled out: Ciidae — 29 species, Mycetophagidae — 14 species, Erotylidae — 12 species.
The importance of natural forests for the preservation of faunal diversity is discussed.
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